When people email me with the problem:

"i can not login the webpage, so i can not do the homework"

I am not sure if this means the course web page or the
Mastering Physics web page.

If you have a valid Mastering Physics student access code,
then you can follow the procedure listed in the course web page
under the link "Mastering Physics -- how to register."

The course ID is


and you have to click on the "class list" link at
some stage.

Lab # 1 happens in week 2 starting Monday January 30.
There are two separate items that you should study first.
There is a 4 - page pdf document entitled:


This has been revised slightly on Friday Jan. 27, but just
to improve the clarity.  If you printed it out earlier, the
version you have is OK.  This document contains
instructions that apply to ALL labs in this course and
also in Phy 132/134.  You should print out a copy and
study it.

There is a 1 page item, also pdf, called:

PHYSICS 133 Spring 2006 EXPERIMENT NO. 1

This is the specific instructions for Lab # 1.  It was
revised slightly on Wednesday January 25, so if you
printed a copy earlier, you might want to make a new one.

Here are the results of the Lecture Quiz from Friday January 27.
The possible grades were 7 (for being there and writing your name
legibly), 8, 9, and 10.  The average grade was 9.  The graded
quizzes will be available to you outside the lecture hall Harriman 137
Monday morning Jan. 30.
The answers are:
1. 7 m/s  (technically the best answer is 7.00 m/s)
2. negative
3. positive
If you did not get 10, you should be warned that you are
missing something important that will seriously affect your
ability to pass this course.  PLEASE make sure you understand
all 3 answers, ESPECIALLY 2 and 3.