Short presentation (written abstract, contents, and form): 30%
Talk (written abstract, contents, and form): 50%
Attendance and activity (asking the speakers good questions, participating in discussions): 20%.
(*) Blank transparencies are available from Instructional Lab, Rm. A132..
- Use the advisor indicated in the topic list; you
also seek advice from other faculty members.
- Stony Brook subscribes to several research
databases and online journals. Particularly valuable are the Web
of Science and some AIP
including Reviews of Modern Physics.
Suggested Topics:
Topic | Faculty Advisor(s) |
(i) Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics |
Quantum defect theory Bose-Einstein condensation Dressed atom (and Floquet) theory Atmospheric spectroscopy Multiphoton, above threshold ionization Imaging from diffraction data of non-crystalline samples Diffraction enhanced imaging Achromatic Frensel optics X-ray spectro-microscopy X-ray holography Quantum chaos in AMO physics Quantum billiards Dynamical localization in AMO physics Rydberg atoms Precision tests of QED Ultra-stable lasers Rydberg constant measurements Atomic clocks Magnetic or optical guiding of atoms Slow light Cooling and trapping of atoms Parity violation in atoms Cooling and trapping of charged particles AMO tests of the Standard Model Isotope shifts in atomic spectra Atomic and molecular wave packets Coherent control Ultrafast optical pulse shaping THz pulse generation and detection Quantum Holography |
Bergeman Bergeman, Metcalf Bergeman, Koch DeZafra Koch Jacobsen Jacobsen, Zhong (BNL) Jacobsen Jacobsen Jacobsen Koch Koch Koch Koch, Weinacht Metcalf Metcalf Metcalf Metcalf Metcalf Metcalf Metcalf Sprouse Sprouse Sprouse Sprouse Weinacht Weinacht Weinacht Weinacht Weinacht |
(ii) Solid State Physics |
Composite fermions High temperature superconductors Bethe ansatz Stripes Photosynthesis (Energy Transfer) Inelastic X-ray Scattering Resonant X-Ray Scattering Quantum computing Single electron tunneling Quantum Hall effect Quantum dots Josephson effect Flux quantization in superconductors Single-molecule transport Hopping conductivity Macroscopic quantum coherence Spin glasses Resonant tunneling Quantum cascade lasers Bloch oscillations Semiconducting quantum wells ESR spectroscopy Charge and spin density waves Colossal magnetoresistance Surface reconstruction Fullerenes and carbon nanotubes Quasicrystals X-ray spectroscopy Kosterlitz-Thouless transition |
Abanov Abanov, Gurvitch , Abbamonte Abanov, Korepin, McCoy Abbamonte Abbamonte Abbamonte Abbamonte Averin, Korepin Averin, Likharev Goldman Goldman Likharev Likharev Likharev Likharev Lukens Maslov (BNL) Mendez Mendez Mendez Mendez Mihaly Mihaly, Abbamonte Mihaly Stephens Stephens, Mihaly Stephens Stephens Verbaarschot |
Talk Schedule (as of September 27, 2004)
Date | Format | Person | Topic |
Sept 13, 2004 | 10 min | Nesteroff, James | Collossal magnetoresistance |
10 min | Krejca, Brian | THz pulse generation and detection | |
10 min | Haeming, Marc | Cooling and trapping of charged particles | |
30 min | Means, Nathan | Quantum computing | |
Sept 20, 2004 | 10 min | Patu, Ovidiu | Charge and spin density waves |
10 min | Reeves, Jason | Slow light | |
30 min | Haeming, Marc | Cooling and trapping of atoms | |
Sept 27, 2004 | 10 min | Chen, Chin-Hao | Degenerate Fermi Gas |
30 min | Krejca, Brian | Quantum Dots | |
30 min | Dusling, Kevin | Parity violation in atoms | |
Oct 4, 2004 | 10 min | Huang, Xiaojing | Isotope shifts in atomic spectra |
30 min | Lapidus, Saul | Quantum Hall Effect | |
30 min | Young, Clint | AMO tests of the Standard Model | |
Oct 11, 2004 | 10 min | Amparo, Denis | Fullerines and carbon nanotubes |
10 min | Steinbrener, Jan | X-ray holography | |
30 min | Shen, Xiao | Hopping conductivity | |
Oct 18, 2004 | 10 min | Jeremiah Goodson | Quantum cascade lasers |
10 min | Matthias Riedmann | Resonant X-Ray Scattering | |
10 min | Jie, Yu | Atomic Clocks | |
10 min | Sifang You | X-ray spectroscopy | |
30 min | Itai Ryb | Kosterlitz-Thouless transition | |
Oct 25, 2004 | 10 min | Itai Ryb | Spin Glasses |
10 min | Rundong Li | Composite fermions | |
30 min | Chin-Hao Chen | Josephson effect | |
30 min | Tao Sun | Single-molecule transport | |
Nov 1, 2004 | 10 min | Means, Nathan | Semiconducting quantum wells |
10 min | Sun, Tao | Quasicrystals | |
30 min | Nesteroff, James | High Tc superconductivity | |
30 min | Huang, Xiaojing | Imaging from diffraction data of non-crystalline samples | |
Nov 8, 2004 | 10 min | Dusling, Kevin | Precision tests of QED |
10 min | Xu, Jianhua | Inelastic X-ray Scattering | |
30 min | Patu, Ovidiu | Bose-Einstein condensation | |
30 min | Reeves, Jason | Surface reconstruction | |
Nov 15, 2004 | 10 min | Young, Clint | Bethe Ansatz |
30 min | Steinbrener, Jan | X-ray spectro-microscopy | |
30 min | Amparo, Denis | Single electron tunneling | |
Nov 22, 2004 | 10 min | Lapidus, Saul | Flux quantization in superconductors |
30 min | Jeremiah Goodson | Quantum Holography | |
30 min | Matthias Riedmann | Ultrafast Optical Pulse Shaping | |
Nov 29, 2004 | 10 min | Shen, Xiao | Atmospheric spectroscopy |
30 min | Yu, Jie | Resonant Tunneling | |
30 min | Xu, Jianhua | Diffraction enhanced imaging | |
Dec 6, 2004 | 30 min | You, Sifang | Acrhomatic Fresnel optics |
30 min | Li, Rundong | Bloch oscillations |
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or learning disability that may impact on your ability to carry out the
assigned course work, we urge you that you contact the staff in the
Student Services office (DSS) in Room 133, Humanities, 632-6748/TDD.
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