1. The fundamental hypothesis of statistical mechanics (S=kB log G) is formulated for the entropy of a system at fixed energy U, volume V, and number of particles N. The variables S,U,V,N are all "extensive." Both S=S(U,V,N) and U=U(S,V,N) can be regarded as "thermodynamic potentials." An important property of a thermodynamic potential is that all thermodynamic information can be derived from it. When we want to switch to other variables, like T in place of S, p in place of V, or µ in place of N, we introduce new potentials using the Legendre transformation. Why? The following may help.
a. For the monatomic ideal gas, derive the formula for S(U,V,N) using the microcanonical ensemble. You may introduce a factor 1/N! in the phase space volume, and use the fact that the area of a hypersphere of radius R in d dimensions is approximately Rd-1/(d/2)!. Taking appropriate partial derivatives, derive the properties of the ideal gas (that is, derive equations for the intensive variables T, p, and µ.)2. The picture shows the 2-d triangular lattice with N sites indicated by "O". There are 2N interstitial sites, labeled by "X" (forming a honeycomb lattice.) Suppose there are N atoms to distribute, and that the interstitial sites cost energy D compared to the triangular "O" sites which cost energy 0.
b. Solve S=S(U,V,N) for U=U(S,V,N). Taking appropriate partial derivatives of U(S,V,N), again derive equations for the intensive variables.
c. Use an appropriate equation for T to convert U(S,V,N) into U(T,V,N). Explain why the result helps to confirm that the Helmholtz free energy F(T,V,N)=U-TS, and NOT U(T,V,N), is the appropriate thermodynamic potential for systems with fixed T,V, and N.
3. Here is a problem that fills a missing link in Kittel's discussion in section 16 of chemical equilibrium. We have a system which is an ideal gas of r components. The ith component has Ni molecules of mass Mi. Your job is to prove that the total pressure p=NkBT/V is the sum of the partial pressures pi=NikBT/V of the species, and that the chemical potential µi=kBT log(Ni li3/V), where the thermal DeBroglie wavelengths li have the usual formulas and thus depend on the mass Mi in the usual way. Do this in two stages:
a. Starting from the total entropy written as a sum of system and reservoir, motivate the generalized grand partition function as the sum overall states with N1,N2,...,Nrparticles, also summed over the particle numbers N1, N2, ... ,Nr, with separate chemical potentials µi and the usual exponent (numbers times chemical potentials minus the energy of the state, all over kBT).
b. Making the appropriate choice for the energy of the multicomponent ideal gas, show that the generalized grand partition function factorizes, so the grand potential is just the sum of grand potentials for r ideal gasses, each with its own mass Mi and chemical potential µi.
c.Derive the desired formulas for partial pressures and chemical potentials.
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