PHY 252 |
Laboratory Reporting |
Laboratory reporting is an acquired skill. Below some remarks that are general to the lab reports, with some examples based
on the first experiment with Michelson's Interferometer.
- Logging the Experimental Data
- Laboratory Report Writing
- Common Mistakes and How To Avoid Them!
- First, you need to log carefully all
details of the setup, the experimental conditions, and the procedures you followed.
Note the time-of-day for the various measurements, and all relevant environmental and
experimental information (e.g. atmospheric pressure in the Michelson-Morley experiment,
of the windows of the pressure cell, length and its uncertainty of the cell, etc.,
etc.). This is absolutely crucial if you later on want to analyze the data, reconstruct
what went awry, or deduct and estimate possible sources of errors.
- It is strongly recommended to read the lab note some days
before doing the experimentation, and to try to understand the purpose and
procedures in advance. A way to do this is to go over the next laboratory with your
partner at the end of the current laboratory session. Discuss what the quantities
are that you want to find, and all measurements and input numbers needed towards
the final result. Estimate which data inputs are most critical in terms of precision
of the final result.
- During the lab you should check your data regularly with back-of-the-envelop
calculations to see if the results obtained are within expectations, and not wildly off.
- Have the TA sign-off on your data in your logbook before leaving the lab.
- Follow the basic rule of dividing the report up in concise sections. e.g.:
Title (plus Author, date),
Abstract, Introduction (history, goals), Experimental Setup (apparatus description and
sketch), Data Taking (data tables, procedures, uncertainty estimates, etc.),
Data Analysis (calculations and derivations), Result(s) and
Discussion (results and significance, comparisons with other results),
Summary, Acknowledgements, and Bibliography (all references used).
- Show UNDERSTANDING: Why does the experiment work, what is its underlying
physics principle, its function, its goal? Why is the instrument built and used as it
is? What are the advantages of the meths used? What is so elegant about the principles
e.g. for the first laboratory (the Michelson Interferometer) discuss and answer
the following:
- Why use a laser?
- Why a half-silvered mirror? Need it be exactly at
45°? What is the ideal transmissivity?
- Why split the beam in the first place?
- What is the function of the lens?
- How can the knob read mm's and still show a regular screw
thread? (a regular thread has a speed of order 0.5 mm)
- ....etc....
- Derive the physics formulae used, and/or explain where they come from;
e.g.: l = 2dm/m .
- Discuss both STATISTICAL and SYSTEMATIC errors! Read the
error analysis
handout!). Estimate the dominant source(s) of error and try to minimize
your experimental error (or at least indicate
how you would, if you were to re-do your experiment).
Any discrepancy between a generally
accepted value and your measurement is NOT AN ERROR but either an
indication that you have not fully understood all sources of error in your
measurement, OR that you made a new discovery! Don't come up with
non-sensical speculations of why your result doesn't agree with the accepted
value. Do not artificially increase the error estimate on your measured
value to make it agree!
In the first lab the micrometer knob is not very well calibrated: the shift in
the moveable mirror is not precisely the shift indicated by the knob!
(Never trust a knob!) Also, there is probably some play in the mechanism: changing
the direction of turning will often lead to very different results (in terms
of fringes/mm). Such "play" can be avoided by
consistently turning the knob during measurement in one direction only!
- Discuss the procedure only shortly, do not copy the manual (but you may
refer to it); I know what is in the handout myself! Do discuss, in your own words,
the principle of operation of the setup and/or problems you experienced. e.g.:
``the Michelson interferometer measures differences in pathlengths to a fraction of
a fringe (that is, to a fraction of a wavelength) by comparing an "undisturbed"
wave, with one that is "perturbed", e.g. by the insertion of a pressure cell
whose pressure can be varied. In this way very precise measurements of
distance differences can be made ...etc...''.
- Check spelling and syntax. This works best if you use a Word Processor.
If you haven't used one yet, start now: you'll quickly experience the
many advantages, and not only for physics! Computers are reasonably cheap nowadays
(below $900 for a starter model), and students have access to computers in the main library
and the many SINC sites on campus (ask the relevant offices, or the
undergraduate studies office in the main library for access
requirements and computer accounts).
- For data analysis and graphing you may want to use a Spreadsheet program.
This allows for sophisticated plots and even for linear or polynomial fits to
data sets. Be prepared to spend a significant amount of time in learning to use
such a program if you haven't before!
- State clearly and succinctly what the idea of the measurement is. What is
the physical principle behind it? And how did you apply it to measure the quantity
you are interested in? Do not need to give a long, historical introduction.
- When you explain the setup, do not enumerate the equipment, but
describe its functionality and use. Discuss why this is the only, best, or simplest way to
measure the quantity of interest.
- State (and derive if requested) every formula you use in your evaluation and then list
the values you insert insert (with their uncertainties), otherwise we will probably be
unable to tell what you have done.
- You should apply error propagation formulas. However,
don't apply them blindly, and make sure the uncertainties in your measurements are sensible.
Record the uncertainties in your data together with the data itself.
Note, that the deviation of your results from the theoretical or the accepted
value is not the error in your measurement!
- Use units throughout your calculations, and not only for
results! This helps to trace mistakes in the calculations: if there are different units
on the two sides of an equality, something is clearly wrong.
- If you have problems or questions, by all means, see the TA during his lab or office
hours! Don't wait until it is too late.
Aug 13, 1998