Alexander G. Abanov
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794-3800, USA
tel: (631)632-8174
fax: (631)632-4977
I am a Professor in the
Department of Physics and Astronomy
of Stony Brook University. I am
working in theoretical condensed matter physics. My main interests lie in
the field of strongly correlated electron systems. In studying such
systems, strong electron-electron interactions prevent the full use of
perturbation theory, with famous examples being high temperature
superconductors and quantum Hall systems. Therefore, "non-perturbative"
method become essential for theoretical analysis. In particular, the
"topological" properties of strongly correlated systems play an important
role because they are insensitive to interaction strength and provide us
with some universal properties both at weak and strong coupling. This field
involves an interplay among condensed matter theory, modern quantum field
theory, and mathematics.
