![]() The typical solid-liquid-gas phase diagram. I took this and the two helium phase diagrams from the web page of the theory group of the Helsinki University of Technology. |
![]() The 4He phase diagram, with two quantum modifications: (a) zero-point motion destabilizes the solid at low P; (b) the low T liquid acquires macroscopic quantum properties. |
PHY 540 Statistical Mechanics
Brief review of thermodynamics, principles of physical statistics, systems of non-interacting particles: Boltzmann, Fermi-Dirac, and Bose- Einstein statistics. Applications to ideal gases, electrons and phonons in solids, and black body radiation. Approximate treatment of non-ideal gases. First-order and second order phase transitions. Ising model, transfer matrix, and renormalization group approach. Fluctuations in thermal equilibrium, fluctuation- dissipation theorem, brief review of nonequilibrium fluctuations. Basic notions of ergodicity, classical and quantum chaos. Spring, 3 credits, ABCF grading |
![]() The 3He phase diagram, with quantum properties altered from 4He because the nuclei are fermions rather than bosons. |
midterm exam Thur. Oct. 20 8:20-9:40 solutions final exam Tuesday Dec. 20, 8-10:30am solutions |
E. A. Jackson, Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics, Dover $9.95 ISBN: 0486411850 |
Homework #3 due Tue Sep 20 Homework #5 due Tue Oct 11 Homework #6 due Tue Oct 25 Homework #7 due Tue Nov 1 Homework #8 due Tue Nov 8 Homework #9 due Tue Nov15 Homework#10 due TueNov22 Homework#11 due Tue Dec 6 Homework#12 for practice Practice problem#1 |
to memorize [pdf
Typos! click here to find errors in Kittel's text, and email me if you find others. Violating the second law: design an engine and figure out why it doesn't work. Scaling and power law functions Notes (pdf format) Joseph Black and latent heat Bent's essay on Sadi Carnot phase diagrams Solutions Itai's solutions practice problem 1 Advice for the final exam |
Syllabus for Fall 2005
I. Aims of the course: To teach the basic theory, enabling you to apply thermodynamic thinking to real world and research situations of all kinds.
II. Procedures and Requirements: There will be homework problems assigned (10 problem sets over the semester.)
III. Grading: A good, B passing; C unsatisfactory Basis: Homework 40% Midterm 15% Final exam 35% Attendance and Participation 10%
IV Required texts: (1) C. Kittel, Elementary Statistical Physics, Dover, 1958 (ISBN 0486435148); (2) E. Atlee Jackson, Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics, Dover, 1968 (ISBN 0486411850). Both are required.
V. Academic Honesty: Discussions with fellow students are strongly encouraged, but work which is submitted for grading must be your own words and thoughts. You should review the definition of plagiarism.
VI.Americans with Disabilities Act: If you have a physical, psychological, medical or learning disability that may impact your course work, please contact Disability Support Services, ECC (Educational Communications Center) Building, room 128, (631) 632-6748. They will determine with you what accommodations are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation is confidential.
Students requiring emergency evacuation are encouraged to discuss their
needs with their professors and Disability Support Services. For procedures
and information, go to the following web site.
latest revision: PBA, 09-14-05